
One more thing that could help you to start to live green is to begin walking a bit more.
Etiam sed mattis ipsum. Duis lorem augue, hendrerit a ultricies in, consequat sed elit. Aenean libero risus, porta vitae aliquam id, vehicula a metus. Cras nec convallis libero. Nullam sit amet lorem lectus. Aenean eget lacus tristique, dignissim eros ut, ornare diam. Aenean nec sapien finibus, posuere magna lobortis, posuere augue. In non pellentesque ligula. Praesent blandit consectetur risus, sit amet rutrum risus facilisis quis.


One more thing that could help you to start to live green is to begin walking a bit more.
Aenean nisl nibh, tempor at leo a, dapibus aliquet lorem. Pellentesque non ultricies velit. Duis sodales mattis feugiat. Suspendisse mi leo, efficitur eu odio sed, porta mollis urna.


An official said many e-scooters were purchased in Mumbai, while dedicated e-vehicle shops have also come up in the suburbs which is a good trend as they operate silently, with zero emissions.

Over three years, electric vehicle registrations grew by 407% in Maharashtra and 1,360% in Mumbai. Latest transport department statistics show that from 1,459 electric cars and scooters registered in 2017-18 in the state, the figure rose to 7,400 in 2019-20. The figure jumped from 46 to 672 in Mumbai.
